Countdown to a 60 000 kilometers journey

Meet Marcin and Aleksandra, an adventurous Polish couple in their 30s, embarking on the journey of a lifetime to fulfill a long-held dream. United by their love for cycling and an insatiable curiosity for the world, they have devised an ambitious plan to pedal their way across 60 countries, covering an incredible 60,000 kilometers over three years.

Their thrilling expedition kicks off on April 29th in their hometown of Gdansk, Poland. From there, they'll navigate diverse landscapes and immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of cultures along a carefully planned route through Croatia, Albania, Turkey, Iran, India, Southeast Asia, Australia, Mexico, and finally the iconic "end of the world" at Ushuaia.

"We could cover the distance much faster," they admit. But they've meticulously accounted for global climate patterns to ensure relatively favorable conditions throughout their odyssey.

"We plan to cover about 60,000 kilometers and visit approximately 60 countries"

Traveling light with only an MSR Whisperlite stove and a Naturehike CloudUp 3 tent, Marcin and Aleksandra emphasize the importance of focusing on the journey rather than the equipment. "It's not worth spending too much time searching and wondering about equipment choices," they say.

Both Marcin and Aleksandra have unique stories of how they found solace and passion in cycling. For Marcin, it all started when he was a child.

"I was a heavier person in childhood and was recommended physical activity, and cycling was suggested. After a few first falls during learning, I started riding farther and farther. I was drawn to discovering new places, and every turn could be a harbinger of something interesting."

Aleksandra's love for cycling blossomed after meeting her husband.

"The beginnings were difficult," she recalls.


"Every small hill was impossible to conquer. But with training and consistency, my fitness improved. The pleasure, freedom, and joy that cycling brought made me want to ride more and more." From a mere 30-kilometer ride to conquering 100 km loops, Aleksandra knew it was time to take on the world on two wheels.

As Marcin and Aleksandra set off on this breathtaking journey, their message is clear: embrace the unknown and the possibilities that lie around every corner. As they pedal their way across the globe, they'll undoubtedly inspire others to chase their dreams and embark on their own grand adventures.

On their shared cycling journey, Marcin and Aleksandra complement each other's strengths and weaknesses, fostering a strong bond. Marcin excels in planning and problem-solving, while Aleksandra shines in connecting with people and persevering through challenges. Together, they navigate the unpredictable world of cycling, forging a truly genuine relationship.

"Small steps and daily work allow us to rise to great heights"


Marcin, an experienced cyclist with a history of participating in XCM races (MTB Marathons), inspired Aleksandra to take up the sport in 2015.

The turning point came in 2022 when they embarked on a three-week, 2,800-kilometer journey from Gdańsk to Athens, camping along the way. This transformative experience solidified their desire to cycle around the world, building on their previous adventure from Gdańsk to Venice in 2019.

"The trip to Athens showed us that we can travel for a long time and enjoy it."

Despite the potential challenges, Marcin and Aleksandra have planned a moderate daily distance of 60-70 kilometers, allowing them to safely explore the diverse cultures of the world and immerse themselves in the unforgettable experiences that await them on their epic journey.

"Our health is more important than achieving goals"

On their daring cycling adventure around the world, Marcin and Aleksandra are mindful of potential hazards like unfamiliar wild animals and diseases. They plan to educate themselves on local flora and fauna to protect their health.They acknowledge, remaining flexible to potential setbacks.

Though Marcin typically leads in planning, Aleksandra is equally capable of making decisions to ensure their success. The couple believes their remarkable journey will inspire curiosity and support from strangers, adding an element of human connection to their incredible story.

Marcin and Aleksandra's dream is to inspire others with their epic cycling journey, encouraging people to seize life's opportunities and live meaningfully. Marcin envisions a book documenting their discoveries of world cultures, as their slow-paced adventure allows them to experience the world authentically.

Despite leaving their careers behind, they see their global expedition as a valuable addition to their CVs.

"Someone who can cycle around the world can do anything,"

Fueled by their passion for cycling, Marcin and Aleksandra plan to share their knowledge through lectures and may even create a company organizing cycling tours, continuing to inspire countless others along the way.

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