"Trail of Transformation: A Timeless Odyssey on Foot"

Europe at a walk 

Roel Gaasbeek discovers the continent one step at a time

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Exploraris Adventure Magazine roel gaasbeek walkabout Europe

“Time is our enemy”

In 2015, Roel faced a life-altering event - the loss of his father. This pivotal moment, marked by the harsh reality of time's fleeting nature, spurred a profound transformation. His father, having worked tirelessly through life only to miss the joys of retirement, left Roel with a stark reminder: time is indeed our most relentless adversary.

With this newfound perspective, Roel, a healthcare professional turned adventurer, embarked on a journey of self-discovery. His pilgrimage began with the Camino to Spain, a 123-day trek where a seed was planted for a future odyssey. This was not just a walk but a quest to chase dreams and embrace the unknown.

Roel's initial plan was deeply personal – to scatter his father’s ashes in Santiago de Compostela and Fisterra, as he had done in 2017. His journey started with a symbolic gesture in Istanbul, scattering some of his father's ashes into the Bosporus. But as he trekked, a profound sense of closure began to take root, altering his course both physically and emotionally.

“During this adventure I found closure”



An Epic Turn

His adventure, initially charted from Istanbul to Santiago de Compostela, evolved into something far more transformative. Roel found himself in Italy, realizing that his original plan no longer resonated with his journey’s newfound purpose. In a bold move, 100km before Venice, he turned around, charting a new path towards Banja Luka. This decision marked a significant shift, embracing the unpredictability of adventure.


“ Did I wish I had known this before I left? No. Absolutely not. Cause it turned out to be one epic journey and I am forever grateful for that. “

Exploraris Adventure Magazine Roel Gaasbeek Walkabout Europe

At 45, Roel broke free from the routine of a 9 to 5 job to embrace the life of an adventurer. His passion for long-distance hiking was not just a hobby but a calling. The journey from Istanbul in April 2022 was a test of endurance and spirit, spanning 181 days, crossing 12 state borders, and trekking through nine countries.


“Dead ends in trails, backtracking, blisters, scrapes and cuts. All things that come with a long hike.”


Roel's journey was marked by a tapestry of challenges that tested his resilience at every turn. The trek was riddled with dead ends and unexpected detours, demanding constant backtracking. His path was a relentless battle against the elements, from the treacherous, sticky mud of Turkey's trails that clung to his every step, to the blisters, scrapes, and cuts that are the silent badges of a long-distance hiker's endurance.


His encounters with danger were not just metaphorical. In Bulgaria, and later in Slovenia, Roel experienced heart-stopping moments as he twice tumbled into gorges. These were harrowing episodes where the risk of severe injury loomed large, a constant reminder of the peril inherent in such an adventurous undertaking.


The journey was not just about navigating nature's obstacles, but man-made ones as well. Roel braved the unpredictability of road travel, facing near-misses in Bulgaria where he was sideswiped by passing vehicles on three separate occasions. His strategy of walking against the traffic flow, a choice that arguably saved his life, underscored the ever-present dangers of his journey.


“The traffic was sometimes insane and I got sideswiped three times in Bulgaria, nearly costing me my dear life. “


The elements themselves posed formidable challenges. Roel endured extreme weather conditions, battling through two intense heatwaves from mid-May to August in Serbia, Hungary, and Croatia. The scorching temperatures, soaring up to 44°C, took a severe toll, once confining him to a modest hostel room in Serbia, as he battled the debilitating effects of heatstroke.


Interactions with local authorities were frequent, adding another layer of complexity to his adventure. And in a near-mythical twist, Roel narrowly escaped being struck by lightning near Trieste in Italy, an experience that now, in hindsight, brings a chuckle but was a stark reminder of the unpredictability of nature.

Exploraris Adventure Magazine Roel Gaasbeek walkabout Europe

Reflecting on these moments, Roel finds a sense of humor in the adversity he faced. He learned to laugh at these challenges, often just hours after they occurred, recognizing each as yet another story to add to his rich tapestry of experiences. These trials, though arduous, became integral parts of his epic narrative, each one a stepping stone in his journey of self-discovery and adventure.



 "Sometimes I chose left instead of right, sometimes I followed the trail, sometimes I didn’t. It was all done on instinct and a gut feeling. I learned to listen to that gut feeling after escaping the Boxing Day Tsunami in 2004. It saved my life. So, always listen to yourself. You are your own best advisor! "


Exploraris Adventure Magazine Roel Gaasbeek Walkabout Europe

A crucial element of Roel's journey was his reliance on instinct. His decisions, often made in solitude, were guided by an inner voice honed by past experiences, including a narrow escape from the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami. This intuition led him to incredible places, forged lasting friendships, and shaped his path in unexpected ways.

A New Calling

Post-adventure, Roel found himself transformed. The journey wasn't just a physical endeavor; it was a mental and spiritual metamorphosis. With newfound closure and shed insecurities, he started his Facebook page Walkabout Europe and yourownway.eu, offering his insights as a hiking coach and motivational speaker. His experiences are now being channeled into a book, further extending his journey's impact.

Inspiration and Aspirations

Inspirational figures like Ed Stafford, known for his Amazon expedition, fuel Roel's dreams. However, it's his personal aspirations that drive him forward. Already planning his next adventure from The Netherlands to Romania, Roel continues to tread paths that few dare to explore.

Exploraris Adventure MAgazine Roel Gaasbeek Walkabout Europe

“Explore with an open mind and heart and always stay positive. What goes up, comes down again and it will all turn out well in the end. “

Thank you Roel Gaasbeek to share your story and photos with us :)

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