Canada: a striking night

My name is Olivier, I am from France and I am currently working as a physiotherapist. 

 Between 2010 and 2014 I performed a touring trip across Canada, South-East Asia and Australia.

I could not imagine for a second all the things that would happen after putting my foot for the first time on my pedal.

A huge country

Canada is a huge country to begin with when you have no touring experience. I knew that going from Toronto to Vancouver was a 6000km journey on a bicycle but I didn’t know what it meant. I remember that before starting my trip people were... Read more
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A piece of cake

But before reaching Vancouver I also had to cycle through Saskatchewan “The land of the Living Sky”. People told me a lot about the mountains but very few about the prairies.  From what I have heard of, they were made of endless roads fading away... Read more
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I was very wrong about that…

I was very wrong about that… First of all, a flat land only means that you have absolutely no shelter. The sun is crushing, a billion starving swamp mosquitoes are waiting for you to take a few seconds to break, the wind makes you feel... Read more
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Canada: striking night