The "just with locals" trip - Mongolian chapter

Jean and Caro from France

From Paris to Beijing

Travelling exclusively on local transport and sleeping in local homes

Less is more

What I most liked about Mongolia was its 'emptiness'. This huge plain land, with no trees, no shade, no relief, no people, no urbanization... just the horizon all around. All this so-called emptiness was the most comforting feeling of all, giving space to see further... Read more
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Go for it!

During that sheep count with my host family, I got the chance to see the sheep closely, something new for me. Each flock has its own rebels, those who behave differently, the misfits...Sometimes I feel like that too. We did the count several times to... Read more
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Law of nature

That morning we all had to change plans. The night before, this Mongolian family who was hosting me had a massive wolf attack. I was sleeping in one of their yurts when I first heard their guardian dog barking fiercely. The dog was scary enough,... Read more
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