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Races & challenges

Find out about the world greatest races and adventures. You may want to add some to your bucket lit.


Mount Everest

Have you ever wonder what is like to climb the world's highest peak? 

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Unforgettable moments with local people

sailing adventure

The Pacifico way

Have you ever wonder what is like to lose sight of shore?

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Tales from around the world

Follow your beliefs

"I am on a solo trekking adventure at the Himalayas Mountains in Nepal, and at some point when the road becomes difficult (both literally and figuratively speaking) I can not avoid starting doubting about myself. (...)" 


Law of nature

"That morning we all had to change plans. The night before, this Mongolian family who was hosting me had a massive wolf attack. I was sleeping in one of their yurts when I first heard their guardian dog barking fiercely(..)"


Unforgettable moments

from India

Unforgettable moments

from the Himalayas

A meaningful adventure

"I will walk about 320 km in total. and would like to raise at least 10 euros per km I walk. With this initial target, I will be able to help 7 to 8 families with micro-credits to start a small business "

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A meaningful adventure

"J'ai entrepris de réaliser cette grande boucle et mes jambes ont commencé à tourner en boucle autour du pédalier. 6 années, 1000 étapes et 71000 kilomètres plus tard, je vous raconte..."

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